September 14, 2023
New Version of ITRANS 2.0 Software Available
This applies to dental offices that use ITRANS 2.0 (rather than ITRANS 1).
Version 4 of the ITRANS 2.0 software is now available and dental offices using ITRANS 2.0 are actively being updated. You may have received a notice that your dental office has been updated.
The following lists the advantages of the new ICD v4. For more information about updating your dental office to ITRANS 2.0 with the ICD v4, please consult your dental software vendor.
Advantages of ICD v4
Simpler installation
The installation process for ICD v4 has fewer steps making it easier than ever to switch from ITRANS 1 to ITRANS 2.0. This means simpler configuration and less potential downtime in the office.
Additional privacy options
The current ITRANS always has and still does meet Canadian standards for privacy. However, with ICD v4, there are options for integration with the dental office software that provide additional safeguards for privacy.
Automatic Future ICD Updates
When ICD v4 is installed, by default it is ready to receive any additional ICD updates from CDA, making sure your dental office is always up to date.
CDA Practice Support desktop utility
ICD v4 includes the new CDA Practice Support utility to provide quick access to common processes related to your CDA Services. The utility will start when the computer is started, and it is found in the Start menu, and also in the Windows “Tray” that is usually located in the lower right corner of the screen, as shown below.

When the tray is clicked, the CDA Support Services icon is displayed.

If you double-click the icon, the following is displayed.

Some of the tasks you can complete with CDA Practice Support utility are:
- Install a CDA Digital ID (the CDA Digital ID Installer is no longer needed).
- Update the list of networks and claims processors (N-CPL) that ITRANS uses to send claims.
- Easily open the web pages on CDA’s Practice Support Services website for sending CDA Secure Send messages and managing dentist subscriptions to CDA Services.
- The menu options have other useful features as well.