November 16, 2018

Save time and mailing expenses by sending your Coordination of Benefits (COB) claims electronically to Pacific Blue Cross (PBC).

You can send your patients’ COB claims electronically when PBC is either the primary or secondary carrier.

Ensure that the COB 07 transaction is enabled in your practice management software or call your vendor to have them configure the COB 07 transaction for you.

The COB options with PBC are:

  • When PBC is the secondary carrier and different from the primary carrier, you will be able to use the COB 07 claim transaction to send the COB claim. PBC accepts explanation of benefits (EOBs) from carriers using CDAnet version 2 or 4.
  • When PBC is both the primary and secondary carrier (termed a “blue on blue” claim), PBC processes the claim using the embedded EOB transaction.  This means, PBC will adjudicate both the primary and secondary plans, returning a single CDAnet EOB with the secondary EOB embedded. Two separate EOBs will be printed for the patient/plan member.

If you have any questions, contact the PBC help desk at 604-419-2000, or 1-877-PAC-BLUE (1-877-722-2583), or email