L'essentiel de l'ADC 2016 • Volume 3 • Numéro 1 - page 43

etites annonces
prospect of buying into the practice in the future.
Please email your resume to: dental.associates.
time associate required for a modern, progres-
sive 3-dentist practice (fully digital, paperless,
Cerec AC, CT Scan, laser, etc.), located inbeautiful
Vernon, BC - an ideal, laid-back community only
35minutes fromKelowna. Existing full-timeasso-
ciate is returning toGraduate School. Come enjoy
what the sunnyOkanaganhas tooffer - beautiful
4 season climate, world-class ski resorts andwi-
neries, amazing lakes and beaches, and fantastic
trails for biking, hiking, or whatever your outdoor
enjoymentmaybe. It’seasy to seewhyweall love
livinghere!Ourwell-establishedpracticehas very
steady new patient flow, and is an ideal oppor-
tunity to join abusy, state-of-the-art, full-service
practicewith greatmentorship and staff in place.
Future buy-in potential for the right candidate.
HongKong registeredCanadian
dentistry graduate with a minimum of 5 years
practice experience to join an established dental
officeasanassociatewithaview topossiblepart-
nership. Email:
or phone:
MANITOBA - Selkirk:
Full-time associate
dentist required for anestablished, busyG.P. prac-
tice, 30minutes north ofWinnipeg. Practice ope-
ratesMonday toFriday,noevenings. Seniorowner
dentist is retiring and position is available imme-
diately. Please forward resume to: reception@re-
MANITOBA - Winnipeg:
Dental Centres requires a F/T associate ASAP in
the city ofWinnipeg. Great opportunity to make
a very high income. Existing associate moving
out of province.We offer a friendly and verywell
managed working environment. Your schedule
will be booked fully. Contact Dr. Mittal: dmit-
cell: (204) 297-5344, web: www.
NOVA SCOTIA - Halifax:
Opportunity of
a lifetime... Unique practice looking for equally
unique dentist.What is unique? I canprovide vir-
tually an unlimited amount of new clients nee-
dingabroad rangeof dentistry, inabeautiful new
dental facility.Myself andotherdentists canmen-
tor you in every aspect of dentistry, from basic
restorative to the most complicated full mouth
rehabilitations, and everything in between. I am
looking for someonewith exceptional communi-
cation skills, someonewho can talk to clients and
really connect. This is a special person, someone
dedicated to their career who wants to have not
only above average income, but the desire to be-
come the best dentist they can be. Must have at
least 5 years’experience, a great personality, and
highly driven. Email your application in confi-
dence to:
NOVA SCOTIA - Meteghan:
We are loo-
king for a FT Associate for our highly productive,
modernpractice, SouthwestDental, inMeteghan.
Our practicehas a largepatient base andwehave
over 160 dental practices under Dental Corp!
Discover the opportunity to join a vibrant team
that continues to grow! In addition to professio-
nal flexibility andworking for a highly productive
office, we offer: Continuing education only offe-
red to DCC Associates, Associate Development
Program and growth opportunities to potential-
ly be a future partner, Competitive production
percentage. English and French bilingualism is
considered an asset. To apply please email your
resume to:
Weare looking for
a FT Associate for our highly productive, modern
practice, Mayflower Dental, in Sydney. Our prac-
ticehasa largepatientbaseandwehaveover160
dental practices under Dental Corp! Discover the
opportunity to join a vibrant team that continues
to grow! In addition to professional flexibility
and working for a highly productive office, we
offer: Continuing education only offered to DCC
Associates and Associate Development Program
and growth opportunities to potentially be a fu-
ture partner. To apply please email your resume
ONTARIO - 26 Locations:
Associate required for our well-established, busy
practices. Enjoy a small town or a large city at-
mosphere. Formore information visit ourwebsite
or email us at dentist@altima.
Full-time associateship with part-
nership potential. Expect to take home 20K/
month. Small townpractices inNewbury, Dutton,
and Highgate, Ontario. 45-50 minutes from
Chatham and/or London. Email: n.altarhuni@
gmail.comor call: (519) 693-4525.
ONTARIO - Ottawa:
A full-time associate
is wanted for a busy, centrally-locatedWest end
practice. It is awell-established, state-of-the-art
grouppracticewitha focuson comprehensivepa-
tientcare.Wehaveacommitment toproviding the
best care possible through extensive continuing
education and a group learning environment.
The location provides ample free parking, large
well-equipped operatories, and a vast patient
flow.The ideal candidate isanenthusiastic, caring,
committed individual with good communication
skills looking for an opportunity to provide excel-
lent dental care to a large variety of patients from
families to seniors and professionals to students,
withagoal to continually enhance their skills and
further the excellent care given to these patients.
Please send resume to: carlingwooddental@ro-
Position-Southwest Ontario. A well established
group practice in London is seeking an oral and
maxillofacial surgeon for an associate position
leading to partnership. Our modern surgical cen-
ters andhospital basedpracticeallow for thepro-
vision of a full scope of OMFS services.We enjoy
partneringwithavery supportivedental,medical,
and specialist referral network in our community.
We are seeking a personable, energetic, ambi-
tious, caring individual whowishes to be part of
a dynamic team and further its reputation. The
candidatemustbeeligible for licensure topractice
as a specialist in oral andmaxillofacial surgery in
Ontario, including Fellowship in theRoyal College
of Dentists of Canada (RCDC). ForwardCV and in-
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