In December, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) launched CDA Oasis, an app that updates Canadian dentists and dental team members about information that is crucial to success in today's practice environment.
This free app can be downloaded from the App Store (iOS) and Play Store (Android).
Four information sections (Supporting Your Practice, News & Events, Issues & People, and CDA at Work) and a search function provide user-friendly content at your fingertips. "CDA Oasis helps dentists stay current on issues that matter to them," says Dr. John O'Keefe, CDA director of knowledge networks.
"One of the app's great features is that users can upload their own content—questions or comments, but also documentation of interesting clinical cases," says Dr. O'Keefe. "We want to create a community where dentists can share experiences from their practices and connect with colleagues across the country."
For more information on the app, please contact Dr. O'Keefe at 1-800-267-6354, ext. 5000 or jokeefe@cda-adc.ca.