The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) is the national voice for dentistry, dedicated to the promotion of optimal oral health - an essential component of general health - and to the advancement and leadership of a unified profession.
Corporate Membership
Founded in 1902, and representing the dental profession across Canada, CDA is a trusted brand and source of information for and about the dental profession, on national and international issues. CDA is a separately incorporated national association whose members are 10 provincial and territorial dental associations.
Dentists automatically access CDA Membership benefits through their provincial dental association who is a CDA Corporate Member. CDA's Corporate Members include 10 provincial dental associations (PDAs) that have joined CDA, including:
- Alberta Dental Association;
- British Columbia Dental Association;
- Manitoba Dental Association;
- New Brunswick Dental Society;
- Newfoundland and Labrador Dental Association;
- Northwest Territories and Nunavut Dental Association /
Yukon Dental Association; - Nova Scotia Dental Association;
- Ontario Dental Association;
- Dental Association of Prince Edward Island; and,
- The College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan.
Quebec-based Dentists as CDA Affiliate Members
The Association des chirurgiens dentistes du Québec is currently not a Corporate Member of CDA. However, since 2008, Quebec-based dentists can access CDA programs and membership benefits as CDA Affiliate (individual) Members by joining or renewing.