Who We Are
Founded in 1902, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) is an association that has no regulatory role. It is a federally incorporated not-for-profit organization whose corporate members are Canada’s provincial and territorial dental associations (PTDAs). CDA represents over 21,000 practising dentists nationwide and is a trusted brand and source of information for and about the dental profession on national and international issues.
Our Vision
A trusted national leader working to improve the oral health of all people living in Canada.
Our Mission
As the national voice for dentists, we promote oral health, support our members, and advance the dental profession.
Recent Publications
Forward Focus: Strategic Plan 2024-2029
Our current strategic plan sets out the priorities that will guide the Canadian Dental Association as we continue working in collaboration with our corporate members, dentists, the federal government and stakeholder organizations to improve the oral health of all people living in Canada.