Winnipeg Fans Set New Brushing Record

June 24, 2005 — Ottawa — On June 22, thousands of baseball fans hit a home run for oral health — helping to establish a new North American record for the most people brushing their teeth simultaneously at a professional sporting event.

Jointly promoted by the Manitoba Dental Association and the Canadian Dental Association, the event had Winnipeg Goldeyes fans gamely foaming up with toothbrushes and toothpaste generously provided by Oral-B.

6,234 fans brushed their teeth to help beat the previous record of 5,000 set in 2004. While the event proved to be fun for those in attendance, it also helped raise awareness about the importance of practising good oral health habits.

Manitoba Dental Association Web site:

Winnipeg's Record Brush event
Winnipeg Goldeyes staff distributing toothbrushes to fans as
they enter the stadium.
Winnipeg's Record Brush event
The Tooth Fairy even made an appearance for Winnipeg's
Record Brush event (l. to r.) Ross McIntyre, executive director,
Manitoba Dental Association (MDA), Alice Kulyk, Tooth Fairy,
Rafi Mohammed, membership services director, MDA, and
Diane Yaskowich, Oral-B representative.

The Canadian Dental Association (CDA) is the national voice for dentistry, dedicated to the advancement and leadership of a unified profession and to the promotion of optimal oral health, an essential component of general health.