CDAlerts are email bulletins that include important messages for the Canadian dental profession of an urgent or time-sensitive nature. If you have any questions or comments, please email us with your feedback.

Please be advised that some Canadian dentists have received deceptive emails seeking their membership log in details.

These emails are NOT from CDA. This appears to be an email phishing scam. CDA will never send any emails to dentists asking for log in credentials.

The false email subject line reads: "Membership Confirmation"

The content within the false emails reads: "Kindly update your membership details. CLICK HERE and log in with your email to update your details."

Please do not reply to that fake email or click on the "CLICK HERE" link.

However, if you have already clicked on the link, please call CDA offices at 1-800-267-6354 to have your password changed. If you use the same password information in other applications, we recommend that you change this as well.

Please be assured that CDA's computer systems have not been compromised and that our existing security measures are functioning properly.