CDA Essentials 2015 • Volume 2 • Issue 5 - page 26

Volume2 Issue4
ssues and
ThePortPerryDental CentreTeam inEl Salvador
(L to r.)Dr. JackCottrell,Dr. Jerry Isenberg, Sheila
Moore, dental assistant,MichelleCottrell, dental
JackandMichellevisitinganorphanage in
El Salvador.
Examiningayoungpatient inHaiti.
Volunteeringat a localMcDonald’sdrive-thru
WithCanada’s representativesat FDIAnnualWorld
Dental Congress. (L. to r.)ClaudePaul Boivin,
CDAexecutivedirector;Dr. BurtonConrod,
CDAandFDI past-president;Dr.DonFriedlander,
CDApast-president,Dr. Cottrell.
The idealsof his Scoutingdays continued tohave
influenceashegrewolder, developing intoa lifetime
of involvement inhis local community, incharities like
BigBrother andSperoway (formerly knownas Feed the
ChildrenCanada), and inhis chosenprofessionof dentistry.
HisworkwithSperoway,which involvesprovidingdental
treatment topeople indisadvantagedcommunities in
Central AmericaandHaiti, remains amajor focus inhis life.
“Ina lot ofways,my leadership in thevariousorganizations
I’vebeen involved inwasn’t bydesignor something I
sought out. Itwas fuelledbyawillingness to lendahand
andhelpoutwhenever I could.”
Hisprofessional accomplishments aremanyand spanall
levelsof organizeddentistry—local, provincial, national
and,most recently, international. Inall caseshe’sbeen
at the front of organizational changes andworkedhis
wayup topositionsof leadership. In1997-98, he served
aspresident of theOntarioDental Associationand in
2005-06, he servedasCDApresident. For thepast 4years,
Dr. Cottrell has servedon theWorldDental Federation
(FDI) Council andwas recentlyelectedchair of theFDI
governance task team.
“I feel like I’m the luckiest guy inwholeworld, beingpart
of thebest profession in theworld,” he says.
El Salvador photos courtesyof TimFallis
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