Volume2 Issue4
Whendo Ineed to sign in to the
In the following situations, youwill need
to sign in toobtaina
CDADigital ID
without it, youcan’t sendclaimson the
internet using the ITRANSClaims Service:
Your ITRANScertificateexpires.
ITRANScertificate isnow replacedby the
CDADigital ID.
Anewdentist joins thepractice.
To sendclaimswith
ITRANS, thenewdentistwill needaCDADigital ID. The
dentist canbeadded toyour practiceprofileon thePSS
Yourpractice starts sendingclaimsusing ITRANSClaims
If your practice switches tousing the internet
insteadof a telephonemodem for sendingclaims, youwill
needaCDADigital ID.
Youwill alsouse thePSSwebsite toupdate informationon
your office’s account.
Ididn’t receivea letter fromCDA so Idon’thavean
ExpressCode.Howcan I sign in to thePSSwebsite?
Call theHelpDeskat
. Someonewillwalk you
through the sign inprocess. Onceyou sign in, youcancheck
that the informationCDAmaintains for your office is accurate,
just incaseyour letterwasmailed toanoldaddress.
Why shouldn’t Igivemy frontoffice staffmyuser-
nameandpassword to sign in forme?Realistically,
theyare theoneswhowillmanagemyofficeaccount.
It’s advisable to keepyour usernameandpassword
confidential toprotect your officeagainst fraud;
unfortunately, fraud is sometimes committedby someone
whoworks at thepractice. Onceyouprovidean individual
withyour usernameandpassword, youarehandingover
administrativeauthority for your entireaccount.
On thePSSwebsite, youcanauthorize somemembersof
your dental office team tomanage specificadministrative
tasks related toyour officeprofile. Theseauthorized staff
members can sign inwith their ownusernames and
passwords. For thepeaceofmind that comeswith following
best practices indental claims security, encourageall staff to
keep their usernames andpasswords confidential.
Whycan’t Iusemypractice’semail addressasmy
contactemail address?
Our goal is toensure that dentists are informedbyemail
when keyactionsoccur on their ownaccount, or on the
accountsof theoffice(s) theyown. For example, theowner
dentists shouldbeaware if adentist is added to theoffice’s
profile. For this reason, thedefault email address for each
dentist shouldbeone that thedentist checkspersonally.
Note that officeadministrators receivecopiesof theseemails
aswell. Providing separateemail addresses for eachperson
grantedadministrativeauthorityat thepracticealso reduces
the riskof dental fraud.
Can Ihavemore thanoneCDADigital ID?
Yes, dependingonhow thecomputer system in theoffice is
set up, youmayneed several CDADigital IDs. Your software
vendor canadviseyouabout this. Also, theCDADigital ID
isnot transferable toadifferent office since it identifies the
dentist and theoffice.
Howdo Iknowwhenmy ITRANSCertificate
ormyCDADigital ID isgoing toexpire?
ITRANSDigital Certificates arevalid for 2years from thedate
of issue. CDADigital IDs arevalid for 3years. If youwant to
see thecertificates installedonyourWindows computer and
their expirydates, go to:
Do Ihave towait formy ITRANSCertificate
toexpirebeforeI installaCDADigital ID?
No, youcan install theCDADigital IDnowand itwill be
good for 3years. Note thatwhen it is installed, the ITRANS
ICA softwareneeds toalsobeupdated. TheHelpDesk
) or your softwarevendor canhelpyou
with thisupdate.
“The CDA Practice Support Services
(PSS) website
is now fully launched across the coun-
try. As the website was introduced to
dentists in various provinces, some
dental offices had questions for CDA.
Here are responses to some of themost
CDAPractice Support ServicesWebsite
ByGeoff Valentine, CDAManager of Health Informatics Services