Table of Contents |
443 |
445 |
President's Column
491 |
Point of Care
497 |
Clinical Showcase
465 |
Oral Health Matters: What Will it Take to Leave No Senior Behind?
Mary McNally, MSc, DDS, MA
469 |
Access and Care:
Reports from Canadian Dental Education and Care Agencies
James L. Leake, DDS, MSc, FRCD(C)
473 |
Patterns of Tooth Loss in Young Adult Hong Kong Chinese Patients in 1983 and 1998
Eric C.Y. Ma, BDS, PDipDS
W.H. Mok, BDS, PDipDS
Mohammad S. Islam, BDS, PDipDS
Thomas K.L. Li, BDS, MSc, DDRRCR, DGDP(UK)
David S. MacDonald-Jankowski, BDS, BSc, LLB, MSc, DDRRCR, FDSRCPS (Glas.)
477 |
Necrosis of Gingiva and Alveolar Bone Caused by Acid Etching and its Treatment with Subepithelial Connective Tissue Graft
Abdullah C. Akman, DDS
Burak Demiralp, DDS, PhD
Güliz N. Güncü, DDS
Arlin Kiremitçi, DDS, PhD
Dilek Sengün, DDS, PhD
481 |
Clinical and Radiologic Behaviour of Ameloblastoma in 4 Cases
Sinem Gümgüm, DDS, PhD
Basak Hosgören, MD
487 |
Surgical Resolution of Chronic Tissue Irritation Caused by Extruded Endodontic Filling Material
Mahmoud R. Ektefaie, BSc, DMD
Haskell T. David, BA, MSc, DMD
Catherine F. Poh, DMD, PhD, Cert Pathology
JCDA Bookmarks
Information about the FDI Annual World Dental
plan of the World Dental Exhibition - in PDF format (FDI World Dental
Congress) |
Position Statements |
Canada Fund's "Celebrating Smiles" Gala |
Open Letter to the World Health Organization May 25, 2005 |
Possible relationship of bisphosphonates
with osteonecrosis of the jaw:
and Restorative Dentistry Conference co-sponsored by the Canadian
Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics and the Association
of Prosthodontists of Canada |
General Meeting of the Society of Craniofacial Genetics |
Additional JCDA News
New Political Action Committee (CDA members only) |
of Online Adverse Reaction Database (CDA members only) |
Cancer Screening Study (CDA members only) |
This edition of the JCDA has been very generously
supported by A-dec International,
Astra Tech, Biodenix,
Canadian Straight Wire,
CDSPI, Colgate-Palmolive
Canada Inc., Greater
New York Dental Meeting, Henry
Schein Ash Arcona, Ivoclar
Vivadent Canada Inc., Oral-B
Laboratories, Procter
& Gamble, Royal
Bank of Canada, Straumann
Canada Ltd, Sunstar
Butler and Vident.
I thank them sincerely for this support. Dr. John P. O'Keefe Editor-in-Chief
Mission Statement & Editor's Message |
Multimedia Centre |
Readership Survey |
Contact the Editor |
www.cda-adc.ca |