Cover: FDI Montreal Update
Montreal is ready for FDI
for the 2005 FDI Annual World Dental Congress (AWDC), scheduled for
August 24 to 27 in Montreal, are moving along nicely as many delegates
registered before July 15 to enjoy reduced fees.
However, it is not too late to take part in this international dental
event. As a special membership benefit, CDA members are still entitled
to discounted registration fees. Congress registration fees for CDA
members are $276 plus taxes.
Interested delegates can register in person at the Palais des Congrès
in Montreal. On-site registration runs from Monday, August 22, to Friday,
August 26, from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Saturday, August 27, from 7 a.m.
to 2 p.m.
You can also sign up for the popular social events like the Opening
Ceremony, the Canadian Night and the Gala Dinner, which should all prove
to be great opportunities to engage with your international colleagues.
Details about the scientific and social program, registration fees and
hotel information are available on the Web site of the Journées dentaires
internationales du Québec (JDIQ) at
The World Dental Exhibition will run parallel to the scientific program.
This year's exhibition will be the largest trade show of dental materials,
devices and equipment ever held in Canada. The exhibition floor plan
has been posted on CDA's Web site at
FDI Montreal 2005 is hosted by CDA and the Order of Dentists of Quebec
(ODQ). The event will combine the FDI AWDC with CDA's annual convention
and ODQ's Journées dentaires internationales du Québec congress.
Dr. Denis Forest, chair, and Dr. André Prévost,
scientific program chair, Montreal Local Organizing Committee. |