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For Authors Continuing Education
Vol. 76, No. 2
ISSN: 1481-2320


Faculty members and students from Dalhousie University's faculty of dentistry and school of dental hygiene are featured on the JCDA cover.

Back row (L. to r.): Nancy Webb, manager of academic affairs; Dr. Robert MacDonald, associate professor, department of dental clinical sciences, division of comprehensive care; Dr. John Christie, assistant professor, department of dental clinical sciences, division of comprehensive care, removable prosthodontics; Dr. Kathy Russell, head, department of dental clinical sciences, division of orthodontics; Dr. Tom Boran, dean of dentistry.

Front row (L. to r.): Cara Tax, assistant professor, school of dental hygiene; Jessica Rix, DH 2009; Nancy Neish, director, school of dental hygiene; Mike Lowe, DDS 2009.

The Dalhousie faculty would like to gratefully acknowledge Marilyn Klein, communications officer, for her efforts in coordinating this JCDA special edition.

Cover photo by Daniel Abriel, Dalhousie Design Services and Photography

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