Volume 11 • 2024 • Numéro 6

ca jcda ca jcdaf Joignez le plus important groupe de dentistes au Canada ca jcda jadc Consultez le pour d’autres petites annonces Cabinets BRITISH COLUMBIA — Kelowna: Established, ef ficient, low-overhead general practice located in a rapidly growing area of Kelowna. This modern, attractively designed of fice has 4 operatories equipped for 1 dentist and 2 hygienists. 1,300+ active patients, 18+ new patients per month. Excellent recare system, talented team, excellent reviews, ideal demographics and exposure. Gross $930,000. Price $1,400,000. Confidential contact: okanagandds@gmail.com D15800 Postes vacants ALBERTA—HighPrairie: Full-time associate needed for well-established family practice. Great opportunity for new grad or experienced practitioner. Accommodations provided. There is an opportunity for buy-in/buy-out in future. Please contact manager@roykalidental.com or call (780) 539-6883. D15891 ALBERTA — High River: Full-time/parttime associate position available. Well-established patient base with high income earning potential as long term associate is leaving. Modern clinic with 7 operatories, and a fabulous team of knowledgeable staff. Mentorship and buy in opportunities. This position includes 1 to 2 evenings per week, and 1-2 Saturdays per month. High River is a beautiful town, an easy 25 minutes drive from Calgary, with a friendly community. We also service patients from many surrounding communities. We would love to chat about this opportunity with you! Please email at: wyip1027@gmail.com D15917 ALBERTA — Olds: FT/PT Associate position available at an established busy practice with consistently high NP flow. Ideal candidate has 2+ years experience although new grads also welcome to apply. You can produce up to 100K+ if you are proficient in all facets of general dentistry. Practice located in Olds, Alberta which is approximately 30-45 min from NE/NW Calgary and 20 mins from Red Deer. Current practice owners working in-house FT and available to provide mentorship if desired. Experienced teamwith positive culture. Partnership opportunities available to right candidate after 12-month associate term. You will receive: Mentorship: mastermind with a group of compassionate, productive, and skilled dentists, Also, benefit from 1:1 coaching and training if desired, Excellent associate compensation, full autonomy over treatment plans and schedule, Strong existing patient base along with high new patient inf lux, Partnership opportunity/ownership opportunity if interested, New Grads Welcome. Your privacy is respected, all submissions are strictly confidential. Please email us at: dentalmckellar@gmail.com D15644 BRITISH COLUMBIA — Victoria: Victoria/Oak Bay Dental Practice looking for Associate Dentist 2-4 days per week. Privately owned with experienced staff and team dentists. 40% of production minus lab. Please send resumes to: geishafive@gmail.com. D15910 UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Lecturer in Prosthodontics Department of Oral Health Sciences Faculty of Dentistry. University of British Columbia, Vancouver Campus Start date: July 1st, 2025. Full Time: 1.0 FTE (5 days per week): One (1) opening. The UBC Faculty of Dentistry invites applications for a full-time Lecturer position within the Department of Oral Health Sciences, Division of Prosthodontics and Dental Geriatrics. Appointment will be at the rank of Lecturer. Applicants must have postgraduate training in prosthodontics and be, or be eligible to be, a licensed dental specialist in prosthodontics in Canada. The successful candidate will be required to have at least 5-years of experience teaching Prosthodontics at a University. Preference will be given to individuals with experience teaching at both Undergraduate and Graduate level, and being responsible for coordinating courses and clinics. The expected salary range is between$120,000-$170,000 for this positionper annumand the Faculty of Dentistry is committed to offering equitable salaries, taking into consideration the qualifications and experience of the successful candidate as well as years in rank. Adressez les commandes et les demandes à : John Reid, poste 102 jreid@pgmpi.ca a/s Peter GreenhoughMedia Partners Inc. 15, cheminWade Ancaster (Ontario) L9G 4G1 Tél. : 647-955-0060, poste 102 Les annonces ne sont pas acceptées par téléphone. Veuillez faire parvenir les réponses aux numéros de boîtes à l’adresse suivante : Box...JCDA 15, cheminWade Ancaster (Ontario) L9G 4G1 Les noms et adresses des annonceurs qui utilisent les boîtes‑réponse sont strictement confidentiels. Colonne, Taille L H Coût 3 colonnes, page complète 6,8125” 9,375” 3 085 $ 3 colonnes, 1/2 page 6,8125” 4,625” 1 760 $ 1 colonne, page complète 2,125” 9,375” 1 350 $ 3 colonnes, 1/3 page 6,8125” 3” 1 350 $ 3 colonnes, 1/4 page 6,8125” 2,25” 1 160 $ 2 colonnes, 1/4 page 4,5” 2,25” 1 160 $ Tarif des encadrés grand fomat Tarif des petites annonces ordinaires 320 $ jusqu’à 50mots, 1,90 $ par mot supplémentaire. Pour couleur, ajouter 310 $. Toutes les annonces doivent être prépayées. Rabais de 10%pour les dentistesmembres de leur associationprovinciale ou territoriale (10 associationsmembres de l’ADC) et pour les membres affiliés (individuels) de l’ADC auQuébec. * Les petites annonces sont publiées dans la langue de soumission. 36 | 2024 | Numéro 6