Volume 11 • 2024 • Issue 4

performing oral surgery. There was no scheduling of patients or review of health history. On my busiest day, I saw 28 patients. There was no expectation that I would see everyone, but I personally could not send anyone away who had waited patiently all day in pain. Not every day was busy. If there was a rainstorm, there likely would be no patients because they all had to walk several kilometers to get to us or ride a motorcycle taxi. The clinic is modern and well equipped with a digital X-ray sensor and three operatories. It has no carbon footprint. Electricity comes from rooftop solar panels, while a water tower and solar heater provides pressurized hot water from the local well. A satellite uplink provides low speed Internet access. An electrified perimeter fence keeps us safe from wildlife, especially at night. Most of the patients that I treated required extractions. As a dentist in this context, it was necessary to be comfortable 29 Issue 4 | 2024 |