Volume 11 • 2024 • Issue 4

CDA Award Winners (Back row, l. to r.): Dr. Greg Chang; Dr. Craig Fedorowich; Dr. LouAnn Visconti; Dr. Heather Carr; Steve Jennex; Dr. Martin Gillis. (Front row, l. to r.): Michael Scheffer; Dr. Nathalie Morin; Dr. Huma Sharief; Dr. Jennifer MacLellan; Jocelyn Johnston; Dr. Bernard Dolansky; Dr. Peter Kearney. Not shown: Dr. Izchak Barzilay CDA AwardWinners Oral Health Promotion Award This award recognizes individuals or organizations who have improved the oral health of Canadians through oral health promotion. This may involve creating public health policy or supportive environments, strengthening community action, developing personal skills, or increasing the prevention of oral diseases and disorders. Never Alone Cancer Foundation The Never Alone Cancer Foundation has worked closely with the Manitoba Dental Association (MDA) in establishing an oral health screening program for Manitobans. Since 2015, this one-day program provides an average of 120 people with a free screening examination. About 10% of those screened are referred immediately to a specialist. Foundation volunteers provide support and coordination for this program and the MDA recruits volunteer dentists, assistants, hygienists, and staff to assist. The program has been an integral part of the MDA’s mission of providing free oral cancer screenings to the community and is a key MDA public-facing initiative. I’mhonoured to accept this award on behalf of the foundation and our amazing team. Our collaboration with theMDA has been a shining example of the power of partnership in advancing oral health initiatives. Together, we have worked towards promoting awareness of oral cancer.The impact of our initiative has touched the lives of countless individuals and emphasized the critical role of oral health, and the foundation is grateful for this recognition. It inspires us as we continue our mission of providing support, raising awareness, and contributing to the well-being of those affected by cancer.” ~Michael Scheffer, executive director, Never Alone Cancer Foundation 20 | 2024 | Issue 4