Volume 11 • 2024 • Issue 4

Honoured Member Award This award is given to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution to the dental profession, the dental community or the oral health of Canadians over a sustained period of time at the academic, corporate, specialty society, council, commission or committee level. Distinguished Service Award This award is given to recognize outstanding contributions to the dental profession, the dental community or the oral health of Canadians at large, in a given year or outstanding service over a number of years. Jocelyn Johnston has been involved in virtually every aspect of the British Columbia Dental Association (BCDA) since its beginning, serving as its executive director for 25 years before her retirement in 2023. She has played an instrumental role in shaping BCDA’s journey since its inception. Ms. Johnston has worked tirelessly to create and support a strong and unified dental community serving British Columbians. Her career in organized dentistry began when there were few women in such leadership positions. Her determination, passion, and hard work have garnered her the respect of all of those she has worked with, both on a provincial and national level. She believes in a strong and united profession and is committed to a strong national voice and a strong CDA. As she heads into retirement, she leaves behind an unparalleled, proud legacy and a strong foundation on which others can grow and succeed. Jocelyn Johnston Thank you to CDA for this award, and thank you to the profession. Some of you have heard me say this before, I wish that the government, media, patients and the public could see what I have over the past 30 years.There is the recovering addict who talks passionately about how receiving dental care helped in his road to recovery. The relief of a refugee from Syria recently arrived in Canada and getting an antibiotic prescription through a dental screening clinic. The gratitude of a childhood survivor of cancer for the enhanced quality of life they attribute to care provided by an oral surgeon. Of course, these events occur across the province, and it shows the depth of dentistry as a truly caring profession, and it is this passion and the wonderful people that I have worked with over the years that I’mmost thankful for and will miss. Dr. Martin Gillis has been actively involved in serving the dental profession and community since graduating dentistry in 1991. He has extensive experience on boards and committees at many different levels. He has taught at the Dalhousie University faculty of dentistry and has been a presenter at many conferences worldwide. He served as registrar of the Provincial Dental Board of Nova Scotia from 2013–21, helping to oversee and implement organizational changes. His goal was to modernize dental standards provincially. Dr. Gillis also helped establish the Nova Scotia Regulated Health Professions Network. He initiated emergency clinics and reintroduced comprehensive dentistry, serving as dentistry’s liaison with the provincial chief medical officer. Dr. Martin Gillis Service is defined as the action of helping others and to serve is defined as worthy of reliance or trust. So it is a true honour to receive such an award. When I graduated from dental school, I thought I would spend my entire career in private practice. But instead, I was fortunate to experience many things that our profession has to offer, such as serving on committees, lecturing, and oral health teaching at Dalhousie. You never know where the road is going to take you. These experiences have been challenging and rewarding in their own way. Through it all, I have always tried to put the needs of my patients first. I’m so thankful to have had such great mentors who helped guide me through my career. 14 | 2024 | Issue 4