Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 5

your mother’s maiden name or partner’s name) and be sure to include a mix of capital and lowercase letters as well as a number or two to make it more challenging for would-be thieves to guess. When entering your PIN in public, cover the keypad to avoid “spying eyes” picking up your code. • Give only the required information. You might have noticed that a lot of retailers these days are asking you for your phone number, postal code or other unnecessary information. Remember, for the most part you are not required to give out this information which is usually used for marketing purposes, so be selective about the information you share. • Only give credit card information to trusted, well-known online shops that offer secure transmission of information. If in doubt, buy in-person or use the PayPal option if it’s available. • Checking your bills and credit card statements for unusual activity. If you’re receiving bills for things you didn’t buy or are getting calls from creditors for loans or purchases you haven’t made, call the police and file a report immediately. The police can advise you on the steps you should take to undo any damage caused by the thieves including: closing accounts, cancelling credit cards and contacting credit report companies to note identity theft on your credit history. Most experts agree that identity theft is becoming a growing problem and that the culprits are becoming more and more sophisticated. Arming yourself with the latest preventative strategies and remaining cautious about how you share personal information can go a long way in ensuring your financial life and identity remain your own. 4 1 Issue 5 | 2022 | SupportingYour Practice Dentists protect oral health. CDA SECURESEND protects patient data. Mobile App As easy as email. Live support at 1-866-788-1212. Secure and confidential. Share files with dentists, labs, specialists and patients. Save on your bottom line. Free with provincial dental association and affiliate CDA membership. DOWNLOAD NOW!