Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 5

• Healthy Workplace Series • The following article is adapted and reprinted with permission from the LifeWorks website www.workhealthlife.com Diversity in theWorkplace As the work world continues to become more and more diverse, the role of a team leader is that much more challenging. With such a broad range of backgrounds, beliefs and experiences all coming together, it can be difficult for people to work together effectively. But, with a little extra understanding and some added insight, it doesn’t have to be hard. To lead a diverse team, you have to understand why an inclusive workplace is so important, recognize what you can do to learn more about the many cultures of your team, and make sure you’re sensitive to the complexities of cultural diversity. Why is Inclusiveness so Important? Managing diversity means acknowledging people’s differences and seeing these differences as valuable. Supporting and encouraging a diverse business will help you recruit the best talent, keep your prized employees on board and deliver a better product, service or final outcome. A work culture that supports diversity will encourage employees to develop their strengths, think outside of the box, take risks and share innovative ideas. Ignoring diversity issues will not only cost you and your organization time and money, but can leave you with employees who are less productive because they feel unsupported. Bringing People Together As a leader, you need to learn more about and be sensitive to the many cultures of your teammates. It’s tempting to look for a one-size-fits-all solution for diversity issues in the workplace. Unfortunately, because diversity is so complex, there’s no step-by-step process to follow. Advice and strategies for one situation may not work for a similar problem in a different context. To encourage and support inclusiveness in your workplace make sure to: TheMembers’AssistanceProgram (MAP) is sponsoredbyCDSPI and provides confidential short-term counselling support, professional guidance, resources and referrals for dentists, dental office staffand immediate familymembers.MAP services are complimentary and accessible24/7/365. ContactMAPat 1.844.578.4040 or visit theirwebsiteat workhealthlife.com. MAP is operatedbyLifeWorks (formerlyMorneauShepell), the largestCanadian-basedEmployee andFamilyAssistanceprovider in the country.Available services vary by region.UseofMAPservices is completely confidential within the limits of the law. 38 | 2022 | Issue 5 SupportingYour Practice