Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 5

C hicago dentist Dr. Ernest Pfennig bought the first Model A car from the Ford Motor Company, when the fledgling company was close to bankruptcy. Dr. Pfennig bought the car on July 15, 1903, for $850, and his purchase may very well have saved Henry Ford’s company. Toronto Star D r. Cheddi Berret Jagan was the eldest of 11 children who grow up in poverty in what is now Guyana. In 1936, his parents sent him to the U.S. to get a dental education with the family’s entire lifesavings. Dr. Jagan become the Premier of British Guiana in 1961 and went on to become the 4th president of Guyana. brittanica.com D r. Thomas Bramwell Welch, who founded the company Welch’s, was a Methodist minister and dentist. He used pasteurization to prevent grape juice from fermenting to provide a non-alcoholic substitute for wine for use in Holy Communion. His son Charles and daughter Emma also went on to become dentists. umc.org 35 Issue 5 | 2022 |