Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 5

CDA Seal’s 50 th Anniversary 50Years of the CDA Seal Guiding Better Consumer Choices Dr. Benoit Soucy, chief knowledge officer of CDA, wrote an op-ed article about the 50th anniversary of the CDA Seal, as part of a yearlong celebration of the prestige program. Dr. Soucy’s op-ed was published in several newspapers and online news sources across Canada. The CDA Seal program strengthens the relationship of trust between patients and oral health professionals while educating the public about oral health. Y ou’re in the aisle of a drug store trying to decide what mouthwash to buy. Or you’re at your local grocery store picking out toothpaste. Some products claim to prevent cavities. Others say they promote gum health. How do you choose wisely? If an oral health product has the CDA Seal on its packaging, then a committee of dentists at the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) has verified that the claims listed in the Seal Statement are scientifically supported. In 2022, the CDA Seal is celebrating its 50th year. For a half century, the logo with its signature maple leaf has reassured the public that products will improve their oral health and meet the rigorous standards of CDA. As a dentist who has worked on the CDA Seal program for more than two decades, I’ve seen the positive impact that the CDA Seal has on the oral health of Canadians and how manufacturers serve consumers who buy their products. When the CDA Seal was first introduced in 1972, it was part of a public education program to help people make informed choices when fluoridated toothpastes were new on the market. Toothpaste without fluoride didn’t have any therapeutic oral health benefits. However, fluoridated When the CDA Seal was first introduced in 1972, it was part of a public education program to help people make informed choices when fluoridated toothpastes were new on the market. Dr. Benoit Soucy is a dentist, a former professor of dentistry at Université Laval and serves as the chief knowledge officer at CDA. 13 Issue 5 | 2022 |