Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 4

• Healthy Workplace Series • The following article is adapted and reprinted with permission from the LifeWorks website www.workhealthlife.com Even though we are not always aware of it, you are constantly sending messages to the people around you through your body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and sometimes even through your lack of response to other people’s messages. By learning about the many ways that people get their messages across, you will learn how to keep your own communications in check and send the messages that you intend to. Here are a few tips to get you pointed in the right direction: Sending the Right Message: Understanding Overt and Covert Communication Overt Messages • As often as possible, consider the words you’re using. Make sure that they reflect the message you intended. When you’re upset about a personal matter, for example, and a co-worker asks what’s wrong, the cranky response “Nothing!” will suggest to the co- worker that you are upset with him or her. This is probably not the message that you meant to send. • Recognize that body language and voice tone can drastically change the meaning of words you use. Think, for example, of all the different ways you can say “That’s just great!” It can be used to convey sarcasm, irony, pleasure and even displeasure, depending how it is said. • Use of the words “I” and “you” can change the way people respond to similar phrases. For example, “You didn’t do what I asked you to do!” will receive a different response than, “I’m afraid this hasn’t been done the way I intended.” Covert Messages • Even when you are not talking, your body is sending messages. To take an extreme example, if you glare at your boss, you won’t need to use words to TheMembers’AssistanceProgram (MAP) is sponsoredbyCDSPI and provides confidential short-term counselling support, professional guidance, resources and referrals for dentists, dental office staffand immediate familymembers.MAPservices are complimentary andaccessible24/7/365. ContactMAPat 1.844.578.4040or visit theirwebsite atworkhealthlife.com . MAP is operatedbyLifeWorks (formerly MorneauShepell), the largestCanadian- basedEmployee andFamilyAssistance provider in the country.Available services varyby region.UseofMAPservices is completely confidential within the limits of the law. 30 | 2022 | Issue 4 SupportingYour Practice