Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 1
Root Canal Irrigation: Best Practices Q Why is it important to irrigate during endodontic treatment? Dr. Rodrigo Sanches Cunha (RSC): There are many research studies that show that irrigation solution and irrigation protocols significantly increase favourable outcomes for root canal treatment. One reason for this is that the endodontic files that we use to shape the canals—hand files or mechanized files—leave approximately 30% of the canal walls completely untouched. 1 The internal anatomy of the canals is complex and includes microanatomies such as fins, isthmuses, accessory canals, and recesses where biofilms can form and be sheltered. These are areas that endo files won’t touch at all. Irrigation inside those areas may enhance the removal or eradication of microorganisms. Studies also show that keeping the irrigation solution in motion inside the canal is important. 2 Using an ultrasonic or sonic device to agitate the solution inside the canal for several minutes helps the solution reach and disinfect those parts of the canal’s microanatomy that your file can’t reach. Dr. Rodrigo Sanches Cunha, endodontist in Winnipeg, Manitoba. 30 | 2022 | Issue 1
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