Volume 9 • 2022 • Issue 1
O CDOC’s work with StatCan on this initiative started in the Fall of 2016, and the subsequent work to identify funding, develop survey content/methodology, and plan subsequent knowledge creation/dissemination has involved an incredible collaboration between a number of governmental and non-governmental entities. Beyond StatCan, OCDOC’s key partners in this initiative include the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Network for Canadian Oral Health Research, the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry, and Health Canada. Content and methodology development have been guided by the OCDOC’s National Advisory Working Group (NAWG). The NAWG comprises designated knowledge representatives from the ten dental schools, UK and US government national health survey experts, Canadian Health Measures Survey Update from the Office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada on the Cycle 7 Oral Health Component of the Canadian Health Measures Survey The Office of the Chief Dental Officer of Canada (OCDOC) would like to thank CDA for its recent comprehensive interview with us regarding the Cycle 7 Oral Health Component (OHC) of the Statistics Canada (StatCan) Canadian Health Measures Survey (CHMS). The Canadian oral health community has expressed interest in this important initiative, which represents the first comprehensive national oral health data in Canada since Cycle 1 in 2007–09.This interview is available online on CDAOasis, and we encourage the Canadian oral health community to access it to understand better the background facts, current details and upcoming plans of the CHMS Cycle 7 OHC. and Canadian national subject experts in the science of various oral health and survey domains. To the knowledge of a number of my fellow national Chief Dental Officers around the world, this is the first national oral health surveillance initiative whereby 100% of national university oral health research This initiative is taking place at an opportune moment following Canada’s support of the World Health Organization Oral Health Resolution that was adopted in Summer 2021. 24 | 2022 | Issue 1
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