Volume 8 • 2021 • Issue 6

CDA AwardWinners A specialist in oral pathology, Dr. John Perry has had a distinguished career in dental education culminating in his current position as associate dean, academic at the University of Manitoba (U of M) Dr. Gerald Niznick College of Dentistry. He has lectured extensively and been recognized by students and faculty alike with multiple awards for teaching excellence. Throughout his career, Dr. Perry has exemplified strong ethical standards and an unwavering commitment to dental education. His leadership and guidance have had a profound impact on the education experience of dental students. Dr. Perry has also been extensively involved in dental admissions and faculty selection at the U of M. Branching out, he contributed to CDA’s Committee on the Identification of Future Dentists, DAT Committee and Committee on Specialist Affairs. He has also been involved with the Association of Canadian Faculties of Dentistry, the Canadian Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, the Canadian Dental Specialities Association, the National Dental Examining Board of Canada and the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada. Dr. Bernie White has been described as “a juggernaut in organized dentistry and regulation.” Underpinning this is the recognition that Dr. White has devoted close to 50 years to serving the dental profession, always there to provide wise counsel, as a mentor and friend, and keeping the needs of the public and patients top of mind. Dr. White has served as president and registrar of the College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan, as Saskatchewan’s representative on the Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation for many years, as a volunteer on the National Dental Examining Board of Canada and the Pierre Fauchard Academy. In addition, he served on CDA’s Executive Council, its Constitution and Bylaws Committee and its Board of Governors. For many years, Dr. White taught and mentored students on professionalism at the University of Saskatchewan and applied his many skills to helping his colleagues, friends and employees. He has always believed that our patients and the public truly come first and their respect must be the hallmark of our profession. Dr. White’s leadership and dedication to the profession have been unwavering and have earned him the respect of his peers in Saskatchewan and across the country. Dr. John Perry Dr. Bernie White Dr. Tobin Doty served on the CDA Board of Directors from 2016 to 2021. His service was marked by his keen interest in organized dentistry, in the business of dentistry and in the future of our profession. He was particularly interested in the complexities presented by disruptive innovation in an ever-changing environment. Prior to joining CDA, he served at the Calgary and District Dental Society and the Alberta Dental Association and College, rising to the position of president in both organizations. His pragmatic business approach and broad interests made Dr. Doty well-positioned to serve as chair of CDA’s Dental Benefits Committee, Claims Verification Committee and Standard Dental Claim Form Working Group. Handling the intricacies of CDA’s relationship with the dental insurance industry proved to be a challenging endeavour. But through Dr. Doty’s perseverance, progress was made on a number of fronts reflecting CDA’s position and concerns. His passion for our profession and organized dentistry and his honest and forthright manner contributed significantly to the dialogue and deliberations around the CDA Board table. For over 20 years, Dr. Yu Kwong Li has been a leader in community services and outreach in Quebec. A long-standing assistant professor at McGill University, he has helped that faculty become a world leader in dental education outreach through the creation of its mobile dental clinic program. The program serves underprivileged groups in Quebec who cannot access dental care through traditional channels. This involves delivering care to people in their homes, institutions and community centres. Through his teaching role, he supervises students and residents at McGill’s three affiliated hospitals through the mobile clinics. Dr. Li devotes his time to various public health care organizations in Quebec and has been a driver of the Quebec Oral Health Program in long-term care facilities. He serves as a model for students, residents, faculty members and dentists alike. Many new graduates have become “mobile dentists” themselves, providing dental care throughout their communities. This is a tribute to Dr. Li’s success as an inspirational leader and mentor, done in a quiet, understated and humble manner with his focus always on others. Award of Merit Recognizes an individual who has served in an outstanding capacity in the governing or service of CDA and dentistry in Canada. Dr. Tobin Doty Dr. Yu Kwong Li