Volume 8 • 2021 • Issue 6

A pragmatic individual who focuses on the job at hand, Dr. Ron Smith is known for his proactive leadership, his steadfast commitment, and his willingness to take on challenging tasks for the betterment of the profession. He has chaired several committees at the College of Dental Surgeons of BC, ultimately rising to the position of president. He also served at the British Columbia Dental Association and chaired its Economics Committee for 12 years. He then moved on to leadership positions at CDA, including serving as CDA president in 2010–11. Never one to shy away from a challenge, Dr. Smith was asked by CDA to work with the FDI World Dental Federation to develop its current franchise model for conferences. He also took on the task of chairing, and eventually winding down, the Dentistry Canada Fund (DCF). He handled this endeavour with compassion, appreciating the sensitivities involved with the closing of a charity. In 2011, Continovation Services Inc. (CSI) came calling, CDA’s for-profit subsidiary mandated to provide electronic services to the dental profession, including ITRANS and CDA Secure Send. Dr. Smith’s knowledge of the profession and its political landscape made him the ideal choice to become chair of a role in which he continues to serve. CDA Award Winners Each year, CDAhonours individualswhohavemade exceptional contributions to the dental profession and the oral health of Canadians. Traditionally, the CDA awards are presented during the CDA Annual General Meetings in Ottawa. But once again, the COVID-19 pandemic did not allow the 2021 Awards Luncheon to occur this past April. However, CDA is celebrating the achievements of the award recipients with a special video presentation. The production of the 2021 CDA Award Winners video was made possible with the support of Johnson & Johnson Inc. and the Listerine Brand. “Johnson & Johnson have supported CDA Awards Luncheons for the past 5 years and we sincerely thank them for their continued support,” says Dr. Gary MacDonald, CDA past‑president and host of this year’s video awards event. The awards video is available at : cda-adc.ca/en/about/awards CDA Medal of Honour Highest award conferred by CDA for a lifetime of outstanding service and professional achievement. Dr. Ron Smith 24 | 2021 | Issue 6