Volume 8 • 2021 • Issue 6

Dr. Timucin Ari In November, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) launched a case complexity assessment tool to help dentists and the dental team in making referral decisions when seeing patients with special health care needs (SHCN). Practitioners can use the new assessment form as part of their patient records as well as an adjunct in determining when to treat or refer patients. This tool, available in both English and French, was co-developed by CDA and clinician members of the Canadian Society for Disability and Oral Health (CSDH). Caring for Persons with Special Health Care Needs: New Case Complexity Assessment Tool T he new resource gives background on the priority of caring for persons with SHCN, the purpose of the assessment form, and information on how to use it. The tool enables a dental practitioner to assign a level of complexity to an individual, which helps both the practitioner and caregiver better understand the factors that can contribute to the patient’s dental treatment needs. There are three levels of case complexity: routine (green), moderate (yellow) and complex (red). Categorization is based on a number of factors for each patient. It identifies potential barriers for dental care for SHCN patients, such as communication, care-resistant behaviour, medical and dental history and treatment needs, along with other criteria. The form makes case selection for persons with SHCN more efficient and consistent to document. Dr. Timucin Ari, a certified specialist in pediatric dentistry in London, Ontario, played a significant role in developing the new case complexity assessment tool. “After many years of experience working with patients with SHCN, I noticed how challenging it was for caregivers or parents to find a dental home for their loved ones,” says Dr. Ari. “Most of the time, these patients are unnecessarily referred from one specialist to another, so they often end up being too late for the actual treatment,” he says. “This tool should help dental practitioners see more patients with SHCN in their offices to get their routine dental check-ups regularly, and make the decision-making process easier when a referral to a specialist is required.” 13 Issue 6 | 2021 |