Volume 8 • 2021 • Issue 4

Social media. Whether you’re a frequent poster, a reluctant participant or just a browser, you can put social media to work for you to reduce your stress level. You can browse beautiful image pins on Pinterest or find a funny video on YouTube to ease tension and improve your mood. Mobile apps. Discover the wide array of apps for your mobile device specifically designed to keep your stress levels under control—whether it’s through doodles, serene scenes and sounds, better organizing skills or health and wellness information. Relaxation and meditation techniques have been proven effective with immediate as well as longer-term stress reduction. Today, you can access apps such as BellyBio (biofeedback and sounds help you master a deep breathing technique) and eCBT Calm (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy concepts that help you evaluate your stress levels and relax). Measure your stress with “My Stress Index” on the “My EAP app”, which puts access to professional mental health services at your fingertips too with E-Counseling, First Chat and Online Access. Other digital diversions The act of writing often gives us a new perspective on situations, others and ourselves. In fact, research shows that writing down optimistic thoughts and positive memories can be extremely powerful. Some ways of capitalizing on this sense of well-being or fulfillment is through blogging, or a “Gratitude Journal”—now in app form, so you can cultivate happiness anytime and anywhere. As mentioned above, online single or multiplayer games can also serve as fun stress busters. Apps that challenge your mind and help you blast away stress include: Words with Friends, Sudoku, and Luminosity. Another idea is to download the latest eBook to enjoy during a typically stressful time: the morning or evening commute. You could also create an upbeat playlist to play specifically when you’re feeling down or tired. Finally, one of the simplest tools for reducing stress in your life is already built into your smartphone: the phone! Text or call a friend just to say “hi” and reap the stress-busting benefits of connecting with people you care about. Fromfitness and nutrition to journals and health apps, numerous tools are available to help you remain mentally fit. S upporting Y our P ractice 42 | 2021 | Issue 4 Pacific Dental Conference March10-12, 2022 Join us in Vancouver, BC Pacific Dental Conference IN CONJUNCTION WITH pdconf.com Registration opens November 15th, 2021 at... Save these Dates!