Volume 8 • 2021 • Issue 4

Key Moments During the Events In 2020, CDA did not conduct Days on the Hill due to the pandemic. Dr. Michael Sullivan, chair of the advocacy committee, was impressed at the effectiveness of virtual meetings this year. “The participants were more than pleasantly surprised at the level of engagement in our meetings,” he says. “The individuals we spoke with were more attentive and free with their time. They really wanted to understand the issues.” “This was my first opportunity to be a part of Days on the Hill,” says Dr. Heather Carr, CDA vice-president. “I was fortunate to be paired on most of the Zoom meetings with Dr. Nancy Auyeung of Winnipeg, an experienced advocacy committee member.” When asked about her more memorable exchanges, Dr. Carr shared two from this year. “Liberal MP Mike Kelloway of Cape Breton-Canso, a member of the Standing Committee on Health, noted that COVID had proven that innovation in health care was possible,” she says. “He indicated that there’s an opportunity to establish coalitions and was keen to be an ally in the work to improve the oral health of underserved populations.” Drs. Carr and Auyeung also met with Marta Cabral, the Green Party Special Projects Advisor. “She told us this was a critical time for a conversation on oral health issues,” says Dr. Carr. “The Green Party is currently developing its election platform and is interested in reviewing CDA’s resources. The Green Party leader, Annamie Paul, became leader on a platform of a social safety net. As a small party, they are interested in collaboration on this issue.” Dr. Sullivan felt that the team’s meeting with MP Don Davies—who represents the riding of Vancouver Kingsway and is the NDP critic for Health in the 43rd Parliament—was especially significant. “As you are likely aware, Mr. Davies is a main driver behind the Universal Dental Care proposals currently taking place at the federal level,” says Dr. Sullivan. “Mr. Davies was completely engaged. He wanted to fully understand CDA’s position on these issues. Rather than being locked into his beliefs, he was open to ideas and perspectives that a knowledgeable organization such as CDA had to offer.” Top Row (L. to r.) Dr. Nancy Auyeung, CDA advocacy committee; Dr. Lynn Tomkins, CDA president-elect; Dr. Heather Carr, CDA vice-president. Bottom Row (L. to r.) Malaika Collette, climate activist; Marta Cabral, Green Party Special Projects Advisor. 15 Issue 4 | 2021 |