Volume 7 • 2020 • Issue 7

Dr. Lanigan has been a pioneer in the field of oral and maxillofacial surgery in Canada for close to 40 years. He is a dental and medical graduate of the University of Saskatchewan (U of S) who received his specialty training at the University of Washington. Dr. Lanigan was very involved in the CAOMS Foundation for Continuing Education and Research, and he served as president of the Saskatchewan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and was head of the department of dentistry/oral and maxillofacial surgery at the Saskatoon District Health Board. His most recent appointment was as a member of the Senate at U of S representing the College of Dental Surgeons of Saskatchewan. He was a founding member of the Saskatchewan Cleft Lip and Palate Program and has been integral in providing orthognathic surgery in that province. In addition, he taught oral and maxillofacial surgery at U of S for over 30 years. Dr. Dennis Lanigan Dr. Robert Loney Dr. Loney of Halifax, Nova Scotia, is an internationally recognized teacher, clinician and innovator in dental education. A graduate of the University of Saskatchewan (U of S), Dr. Loney has applied his passion for technology to create a library of educational resources that have helped dental students around the world learn the fundamentals of removable prosthodontics. Thanks to his innovative spirit, the “Prosthodontic Olympics” were founded in 1988 and have run continuously for the last 23 years at Dalhousie University where they are still going strong. Dr. Loney has applied his skills to the National Dental Examining Board of Canada (NDEB) OSCE examination and made it more robust by challenging students to make judgements rather than memorize answers. He currently serves as Examiner-in-Chief of NDEB’s National Dental Specialty Exams. He has published extensively and received numerous medals and awards including two W.W. Wood Awards for Excellence in Teaching and the 3M ESPE National Dentistry Teaching Award. Dr. Mel Schwartz Dr. Schwartz has contributed to his profession, community and the oral health of Canadians for well over 40 years. AMcGill dental graduate with a certificate in forensic dentistry from the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology in Washington, DC, Dr. Schwartz has worked for nearly four decades at the Sir Mortimer B. David Jewish General Hospital in Montreal providing dental care to people with complex medical histories and a wide range of cognitive and physical disabilities. Dr. Schwartz has led the Department of Dentistry at the Jewish General Hospital and its dental residency program for over 20 years and has served as a member of the faculty of dentistry at McGill for nearly 40 years. Dr. Schwartz has also been involved in all aspects of the Commission on Dental Accreditation of Canada (CDAC) accreditation process. He has conducted numerous survey visits and has chaired CDAC’s Health Facilities Dr. Eric Hatfield (posthumous) An active member and contributor to the Nova Scotia Dental Association (NSDA), Dr. Hatfield became NSDA president in 1999. This was followed by his involvement on the Nova Scotia Dental Board where he served on many committees and became president and chair from 2008 to 2011. Dr. Hatfield’s contributions at the provincial level set the stage for his involvement nationally with the National Dental Examining Board of Canada, the Canadian Dental Regulatory Authorities Federation, CDSPI, and the International College of Dentists. He had an ability to inspire and motivate his friends and colleagues to become involved in organized dentistry and to give back to the profession. Many of these people have gone on to leadership positions in Nova Scotia and beyond. His steadfast and unwavering service to our profession will be his legacy. Dr. Hatfield passed away in January 2020. 14 | 2020 | Issue 7 CDA at W ork