CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 7

ManitobaDental Association &CanadianDental AssociationConvention April 2–4, 2020 Winnipeg, Manitoba Featured Speakers Include: Ms. KarenDavies: Dental Hygiene Dr. JoseViquez: Prosthodontics Ms. Carissa Clarke: Mental Health First Aid Ms. KimHunter People First HR Human Resources: HRStandards Training Ms. Christina Semaniuk People First HR Human Resources: Managing Conflict Dr. BernardDolansky: TierThree Brokerage Ltd. Dr. RayGrewal: Management of Antibiotics in Dentistry Mr. Dean Smith: CyberSecurity Dr. John Tsourounakis Periodontics Ms. KathyPurves: Infection Control MDACDA2020.COM RegistrationOpensOctober15th B IN WPG A P R 2- 4 2020 MDA CDA CONVENTION S E E I N G D E N T I S T RY C L E A R L Y S AV E T H E D AT E MDACDA2020 .COM Closing Entertainment guaranteed to please attendees from“Coast to Coast toCoast”