CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 6

21 Issue 6 | 2019 | N ews and E vents In June, the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) recognized several dentists who have a Canadian connection with awards during the General Session & Exhibition of the IADR held in conjunction with the American Association for Dental Research (AADR) and Canadian Association for Dental Research (CADR) meetings in Vancouver. International Association for Dental Research AWARDWINNERS Dr. Peter Cooney was the recipient of the IADR Honorary Membership Award, given to a person who has supported or made significant contributions to dental research. Dr. Cooney was recognized for his long- standing commitment to improving the quality of global health. “Dr. Cooney’s impressive career and successful initiatives have made an enormous impact on health in Canada and worldwide,” said Dr. Rena D’Souza, IADR president. Born and raised in Ireland, Dr. Cooney emigrated to Newfoundland in 1979 and went on to complete his dental diploma in public health at the University of Toronto and a Master of Science at the University of Manitoba. In 1991, Dr. Cooney joined Health Canada as a public health practitioner, with responsibility for First Nations and Inuit clients in northern and remote communities. In 2004, Dr. Cooney was appointed as the first Chief Dental Officer for Canada, the most prominent position in dental public health in the country. In 2007, Dr. Cooney’s efforts ensured that dentistry was included in the Canadian Health Measures Survey—the first national dental survey with direct physical/clinical measurements conducted in 40 years. Dr. Cooney has made significant contributions to public health dentistry in Canada at the provincial, national and international level, including serving as president of the Canadian Association of Public Health Dentistry. Throughout his career in public health, Dr. Cooney has mentored many young professionals, sharing his passion for improving the oral health of Canadians.  Dr. Jeffrey Dixon was the recipient of the IADR Distinguished Service Award, given to recognize an IADR member who has performed outstanding service to the IADR or distinguished service over a period of time. Dr. Dixon was honoured for his dedicated service to the IADR and its mission. “Dr. Dixon is receiving this award in recognition for his outstanding contributions to the CADR and IADR, to the Journal of Dental Research and in appreciation of his generous leadership and service within the Mineralized Tissue Group,” said Dr. D’Souza. Dr. Dixon received his DDS from the University of Western Ontario (UWO) and his PhD in Oral Biology from the University of Toronto. He also has a background in physics and completed his BSc in physics at Carleton University and his MSc in Biophysics at UWO. Dr. Dixon is a professor of physiology and pharmacology, and dentistry at UWO. His research focuses on the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the resorption and formation of mineralized tissues in development, during orthodontic tooth movement and in inflammatory diseases such as periodontitis and rheumatoid arthritis. His research has been supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, pharmaceutical and biotech industries and the Canadian Arthritis Network of Centres of Excellence. 