CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 4

7 Issue 4 | 2019 | Supporting Your Practice 31 A Systematic Approach to Using Radiology in the Dental Practice: Maximize Your Diagnostic Yield 40 You Can Predict the Market… Over the Long Term Classifieds 42 Offices and Practices, Positions Available, Advertisers’ Index CONTENTS Measles: Spotting Signs of Infection in the Mouth Page 17 Balancing Work and Elder Caregiving Page 29 2019 DENTAL MEETINGS Mark Your Calendar S eptember 4–8 FDI World Dental Congress San Francisco, CA S eptember 5–9 American Dental Association Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA S eptember 12–14 Canadian Dental Association Convention co-hosted by the Saskatchewan Oral Health Conference Saskatoon, SK The Grey Wave: UBC Dentistry and Geriatric Oral Care Page 22