CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 4

31 Issue 4 | 2019 | S upporting Y our P ractice Theviewsexpressedarethoseofthe authoranddonotnecessarilyreflect theopinionsorofficialpoliciesofthe CanadianDentalAssociation. Dr. BobWood A Systematic Approach to Using Radiology in the Dental Practice Maximize Your Diagnostic Yield Dr. Bob Wood, oral and maxillofacial radiologist and recently retired head of dental oncology, ocular and maxillofacial prosthetics at the Princess Margaret Hospital/University Health Network in Toronto, wants dentists to take their time when it comes to examining radiographs. “I think when people look at images, especially advanced images and even panoramic radiographs, they wait for something to pop out at them. But I always recommend examining images in a deliberate, systematic way, making observations, and trying to discern from these observations what disease process we may be looking at,” he says. Here, Dr. Wood presents a sample of radiographs and walks us through his systematic approach to their interpretation—an approach that allows practitioners to maximize information they can glean from conventional images before considering advanced imaging options, like CT scans or cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Radiographic interpretation 1. Examine the image set for completeness and quality. Examine the images in a dark environment that is free of distractions and has a high- quality monitor for digital images or a view box for analogue ones. Consider if you have enough images and whether these images are high enough quality. 2. Take time to systematically examine the images (see Figure 1a) • Trace the entire outline of the mandible. Start at the right condyle and trace along the inferior border of the mandible, all the way along to the left condyle. Trace along the coronoid process, check the height of the periodontal bone, go along the crest of the alveolar process to the other coronoid process, and return Fig. 1a This article and case studies are based on Dr. Wood’s CDA Oasis multi-part series about using a systematic approach to radiology in the dental practice. To watch Episode 1, visit