CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 6 • Issue 4

15 Issue 4 | 2019 | N ews and E vents The review sought to address whether CWF should be encouraged and maintained in Canada through an assessment of its effectiveness and safety, economic considerations, implementation issues, environmental impact, and ethical considerations. One key message that emerged from CADTH’s report: “There is consistent evidence that CWF protects against dental caries in children and adults and leads to improved oral health outcomes with very uncommon and minor side effects, and that CWF programs are cost saving from a societal perspective.” The following are the ‘ bottom line’ CWF evidence highlights, as identified in a summary document produced by CADTH in April 2019. Review of Dental Caries and Other Health Outcomes ❙  There is consistent evidence to support CWF’s benefits in reducing dental caries, and insufficient or no evidence to suggest that it leads to adverse health outcomes. Budget Impact Analysis ❙  The CADTH budget impact analysis found that introducing or continuing a CWF program in Canadian municipalities resulted in cost savings compared with not introducing a CWF program or stopping an existing CWF program, under a broad societal perspective. Implementing CWF programs is cost saving for federal, provincial, territorial, and private budgets, but often at the expense of municipalities. CommunityWater Fluoridation CADTH Publishes Extensive Review The Canadian Agency for Drugs, Technology and Health (CADTH) undertook a Health Technology Assessment (HTA) to comprehensively review the multi-disciplinary evidence related to community water fluoridation (CWF). The HTA review will provide guidance to policy- and decision-makers in discussions and decisions about water fluoridation in Canada. CADTH’s ‘Evidence Highlights on Community Water Fluoridation Programs’ summary document is available at: c pdf/ht0022-fluoridation- evidencehighlight-e.pdf The complete HTA report, with detailed methodology and evidence for all categories, is available at: fluoridation-programs- health-technology- assessment