CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 7 • Issue 2

38 | 2019 | Issue 2 S upporting Y our P ractice CDSPI CELEBRATES 60 YEARS OF SERVING DENTISTS We’ve never felt better! It’s ironic. As people get older, they tend to feel it. But on our 60 th anniversary, we’re feeling younger and fresher. A new brand and website. More advisors. Updated insurance plans. New funds around the corner. Digital initiatives underway. And much more on the horizon. We’re feeling vibrant... and that’s good for everyone. There are three things I’m most proud of at CDSPI. First is our privileged relationship with the dental associations. The value we’re able to provide is based on our progressive knowledge of the profession. Our association members, in turn, continually share input and feedback that helps us deliver relevant solutions to the entire community. I value their contribution enormously. Second is our people. You may know about our insurance plans, funds and advice, but you may not realize just how dedicated our people are. They are very caring and genuinely go out of their way to help, providing a level of service and expertise for dentists that can’t be matched. Finally, and perhaps most importantly, is our long history of serving dentists . Sixty years. Imagine how many thousands of dentists we’ve helped over that time. The financial security provided. The peace of mind enjoyed. Goals made and achieved. Dreams realized. It’s humbling. I’ll admit it, I’m competitive. I get very excited thinking about the advantages we have over other financial services companies: • We’re hyper-specialized on dentists so we know the many issues you face as you evolve from students, to associates, to practice owners, to transitioning into retirement. This allows us to provide expert advice about managing a practice, investing through a corporation, managing risk, tax-efficiency, and host of other things to help you thrive. • As a not-for profit, we don’t answer to an owner or shareholders who demand a return on their investment or dividends to be paid. Our business structure means we seek to operate on a break-even basis, passing any benefits back to the dentists who are in our programs, or funding programs that benefit the dental community. This means we can take a longer term view, and structure our programs to benefit you . CDA and provincial associations create Canadian Dental Services Plans Inc. to administer financial services. In 1959, the Canadian Dental Association (CDA) created CDSPI to help manage some core administrative operations. CDSPI soon expanded to fulfill a variety of functions for provincial dental associations and is now an essential part of the Canadian dental community. As CDSPI turns 60, this is the perfect time to talk to President, Ed Dermit, and hear his thoughts about the present and future of an organization that was founded by dentists for the benefit of dentists. Ed Dermit President, CDSPI 1959 OUR EVOLUTION