CDA Essentials 2019 • Volume 7 • Issue 2

13 Issue 2 | 2019 | CDA at W ork Some of the new features of ITRANS 2.0 include: ❘  Faster Claims Transactions – ITRANS 2.0 sends claim messages directly to claims processors, so you may notice the system is a little faster. ❘  Better Help Desk Support – the CDA Practice Support Services (PSS) Help Desk has improved information, so they can better help you with any claims transmission issues. ❘  Better Privacy – the information available to the Help Desk has all patient information removed before it leaves your office, so patient privacy is enhanced. ❘  Self-Help – you can view the claims transmitted from your office from your CDA PSS account. This can be helpful in troubleshooting claims transmission. Sign in at: ❘  Increased Reliability – the ITRANS system has been simplified resulting in fewer systems that could possibly create any issues in claims transmissions. ❘  Automatic Carrier Updates – if your software vendor takes advantage of this feature, any changes to insurance company settings will be made automatically. Any new insurance companies will also be automatically added to your system. CDA has started to host webinars for dental office software vendors, to update them on ITRANS 2.0 functionality and help with the installation process. Contact your vendor directly to schedule an upgrade to ITRANS 2.0. a Since 2004, the CDA ITRANS Claim Service has enabled dental offices to securely send dental claims to insurance companies using the Internet. The service is available to dentists who are members of their provincial dental association, or in Quebec, dentists who are members of CDA. ITRANS 2.0 Launching Across Canada: Talk to Your Software Vendor ITRANS 2.0 is an upgraded software program installed on the office computer that sends CDAnet dental benefit claims. ITRANS 2.0 works with CDAnet and your dental office software to provide your office with fast, efficient and secure e-claim service. For any other questions about ITRANS 2.0 Web: services/itrans/itrans2 Email: Phone: PSS Help Desk 1-866-788-1212