CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 8

Conclusions This investigation studied the ability of different available face masks to prevent penetration by a water-soluble red dye and aerosolized suspensions of bacteria. Airborne challenges to test masks were conducted using a high-speed handpiece for 5-, 15-, and 30-minute intervals. The ndings demonstrated that each of the non-ASTM level and Level 1 masks failed both the red dye bacterial penetration test much more quickly than Level 2 and 3 masks. While the two Level 2 masks were shown to allow only small numbers of red-pigmented S.marscesens through to the inside of the mask after 15-minutes exposure, the Medicom Premier Elite masks (L3) were able to prevent all detectable bacteria to penetrate for up to 30-minute challenge intervals. Both the dye penetration and bacterial penetration tests demonstrate that ASTM rated masks are signi cantly more protective than non ASTM rated masks. Furthermore, L3 masks outperform L1/L2 when exposed for 15-30 minutes. Are You Protected? RESULTS: Bacterial Penetration Studies Bacterial cultures from the outer surfaces of all of the masks tested were found to be heavily contaminated with S. marscescens after 5-, 15-, and 30-minute aerosolization procedures. When inside mask material was sampled, resultant bacterial cultures showed that the inner surfaces of the two non-ASTM level mask types (Molded Face Mask and Mask) and the ASTM Level 1 demonstrated bacterial penetration after the 5-minute exposure intervals. None of the other masks used in this study showed red-pigmented Serratia penetration at that interval. As expected, the inside surface cultures from all of the Level 1 masks tested also failed the 15-minute bacterial challenges. The Medicom Premier Plus and the leading competitive Level 2 masks demonstrated more resistance to microbial penetration, as only a few Serratia colonies were detected on the mask inside surfaces. In contrast, the only masks shown to completely resist S. marscescens penetration at 15-minutes was the Level 3 Medicom Premier Elite Mask. It should be noted here that a 30-minute bacterial challenge also revealed no bacterial growth on the inside surface of this Level 3 mask. Bacterial Challenge Studies: A summary of the bacterial challenge results is shown in Table 1. Mask ATSM Level 5 minutes 15 minutes Molded Face Mask, Leading comp. 1 — Fail Fail Procedure Mask, Leading comp. 2 — Fail Fail Procedure Mask, Leading comp. 3 1 Fail Fail Procedure Mask, Leading comp. 4 1 Pass Fail Procedure Mask, Leading comp. 5 2 Pass Fail** Premier Mask, Medicom 1 Pass Fail Premier Plus Mask, Medicom 2 Pass Fail Premier Elite Mask, Medicom 3 Pass Pass Table 1. Bacterial Penetration Results Following Mask Challenge with S. marscescens* *Pass = no bacterial growth, failed = bacterial growth This article is sponsored content from Medicom.