CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 8

Are You Protected? RESULTS: Red Dye Penetration Studies Observation of exposed masks showed that, in general, the higher ASTM Level 3 Medicom Premier Elite Mask was able to resist red dye penetration better than non-ASTM performance and ASTM Level 1 and Level 2 masks after 15-minute exposure times. Red dye was seen on the inside surfaces of both low level performance masks by the end of the 15-minute intervals. Most of the Level 1 and Level 2 masks showed evidence of dye penetration by the 15-minute test interval. However, the inside portion of the Level 2 Medicom Premier Plus Mask demonstrated little, if any, red color after treatment. Even after 30 minutes only a single spot of dye on the inside was noted. Medicom level 3 masks are recomended over level 1 masks in procedures with high splatter / aerosol exposure Note absence of dye penetration. ASTM level 2 Mask provide superiror protection compared to level 1 masks ASTM performance level 1 After 5 minutes of splatter/aerosol exposure After 15 minutes of splatter/aerosol exposure After 30 minutes of splatter/aerosol exposure Non-ASTM performance ASTM performance level 1 ASTM performance level 3 ASTM performance level 2 ASTM rated masks provides superiror protection over non-ASTM rated masks. Note the presence of dye after 15 minutes of aerosol exposure This article is sponsored content from Medicom.