CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 8

19 Issue 8 | 2018 | N ews and E vents These situations aren’t likely to be something that people are prepared for, but we know that it is crucial to act quickly, in the first few minutes after an event. – Dr. Nestor Cohenca ➜ “People often go to the wrong place with their dental trauma cases. Sometimes they drive to the emergency room (ER), but these are not always equipped or have adequate staff with the proper knowledge to treat these injuries,” says Dr. Levin. “A patient spends precious time in the ER waiting to see someone who may not be able to provide the required help. The app will guide members of the public where to go and advise them on the urgency of the situation.” The other main section of the ToothSOS app focuses on the prevention of dental injuries. This includes information on the appropriate use of mouthguards, the types available and the benefits of using such oral devices. There is also a section for dental professionals that directs colleagues to the latest IADT guidelines for managing traumatic dental injuries, continuing education information, and a dental trauma guide. The IADT has about 1500 members around the world and its purpose is to disseminate information and knowledge about the prevention and treatment of dental trauma. The IADT partnered with the American Association of Endodontists on the 20th World Congress on Dental Traumatology, which took place in San Diego, California, in August 2018. “The IADT covers all areas related to dental and maxillofacial trauma,” says Dr. Cohenca. “It’s not related to a specific specialty because dental traumatology is truly a multidisciplinary field in which almost all specialties of dentistry are, or should be, represented.” “We feel that part of the IADT mission is to spread knowledge and make sure that people around the world are aware of dental traumas and have a convenient tool available to help them in the first minutes after a trauma occurs,” he concludes. a The app will guide members of the public where to go and advise them on the urgency of the situation. – Dr. Liran Levin ➜