CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 8

11 Issue 8 | 2018 | CDA at W ork 3. The Canadian dental profession should ensure that graduates are aware of the full range of career options available to them, including alternative practice models. 4. The Canadian dental profession should establish a formalized mentorship program for new graduates to facilitate the transition into professional practice and to encourage lifelong learning. 5. The Canadian dental profession should advocate for funding of health care technology assessment research that will help practicing dentists make wise choices when considering incorporating new technologies into practice. 6. The Canadian dental profession should establish a national certification body for continuing dental education that assesses courses, to ensure that they are based on sound scientific evidence and free of funding bias and conflicts of interest. a • January The CDA Task Force on the Future of the Profession meets in person and hears from experts on the changing environment for Canadian professions. The task force divides into four working groups (WG) to focus on information gathering in different priority areas. • February–November WGs research (through further readings, interviews with over 100 experts, and commissioned research policy briefs) and analyse the issues and produce reports with draft recommendations. • November Second in-person task force meeting where each WG presents draft recommendations aimed to help the dental profession address important issues facing the profession, with a 15-year horizon. • January The task force reaches consensus on its vision statements and preliminary recommendations. • April The task force presents its report, Canadian Dentistry 2032 , at the Dentistry Leaders’ Forum in Ottawa. The report outlines 4 vision statements and 28 recommendations for positioning the Canadian dental profession for the future. • August Twelve priority recommendations are adopted at the Presidents & CEOs Meeting, held in Charlottetown, PEI. • October The CDA Board of Directors formally adopts the 12 priority recommendations, grouped according to two main objectives: a healthy public and a strong profession. • December The CDA Board of Directors appoints a task force to provide advice on two key recommendations: (1) adopting a definition of oral health, and (2) identifying the principles that will guide understanding of what a “basket” of essential oral health care services for the Canadian population would look like. Timeline 2017 2018 Koelnmesse Inc. 8600 Bryn Mawr Avenue Suite 410 North, Chicago IL 60631 Tel. +1 (773) 326-9920, Fax +1 (773) 714-0063 38 th International Dental Show LEADING DENTAL BUSINESS SUMMIT March 12 – 16, 2019 Cologne Germany Trade Dealer Day: March 12, 2019