CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 6

35 Issue 6 | 2018 | S upporting Y our P ractice What I Know Now… Advice for New Graduates “What was the smartest professional move youmade five years after graduation?” This question was posed by Dr. John O’Keefe on the Oasis Discussions website earlier this year. Here are more responses from dentists across Canada. Insurance "I obtained good disa- bility and life insurance early—as soon as I started working. It’s a time where there isn’t much money and the expense doesn’t seem useful. However, later on when my colleagues started needing insur- ance, I was grateful that I’d set myself up early with a good fixed premium (it gets more expensive as you get older, if you don’t lock in with a fixed price at an earlier age). I never lost sleep about having to stop work without a safety net." Variety "I worked as an associate at more than one office. None of my classmates were eager to do this when we graduated, but those of us who ended up in this situation found it invaluable. You are exposed to more variety in every aspect of work, thus increasing your comfort level and shaping your desires for the way you want to practice." Involvement "Absolutely the smartest thing I did was to get involved with my component society. I was encouraged to join the executive, took on some committee activity, met and was mentored by experienced dentists who welcomed me with open arms, and I learned about the community that I had chosen to join." Ethics The smartest thing I did, without a doubt, was to focus on a strong pillar of ethics in patient care; treat patients according to their needs, not what they “could” have. I based my treatment plans on what is truly conservative, required and reasonable. Dentistry is a good career, but it can be a great one if we all stick to these philosophies." Serve "The smartest thing I did was join the Canadian military and serve immediately after graduation. This decision solved my potential financial problems and provided a group of wonderful mentors that enabled me to have a confidence level in my professional life that I could never have achieved elsewhere." Teach "The smartest move I made was to teach at the dental school and work as an associate with high quality mentors for the first five years before opening my own practice."