CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 5

19 Issue 5 | 2018 | to get out into the community, see the problems first hand, and work with others for their solution. Be a black swan; show the community that their dentist cares. Dental practice is demanding and can be stressful. Your will need respite. It is important to find the respite that works for you. This may range from individual exercise, to travel, to hobbies, to playing in a rock band. I will not prescribe, but I do hope that one such area of respite is a loving partner and extended family. Show respect for yourself and your family by taking the time to maintain your health and celebrate being with family. Lastly, Canada has a deeply troubled relationship with its Indigenous peoples. Past policy, may have been developed with good intentions, but was clearly wrong-headed in concept and devastating in execution. Since the Truth and Reconciliation Report, many have realized society has much to learn from examining First Nations’ culture. So, I want to close with wisdom I found in The Ten Native American Commandments. Their decrees remain a challenge to you and to me. The Ten Native American Commandments 1. Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect. 2. Remain close to the Great Spirit, in all that you do. 3. Show great respect for your fellow beings (especially respect yourself). 4. Work together for the benefit of all (Hu)Mankind. 5. Give assistance and kindness wherever needed. 6. Do what you know to be right (but be careful not to fall into self-righteousness). 7. Look after the well-being of mind and body. 8. Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good. 9. Be truthful and honest at all times (especially be truthful and honest with yourself). 10. Take full responsibility for your actions. I offer my sincere congratulations on your achievements. May you be fulfilled in your profession and in the contributions that you make to the well-being of your patients, your colleagues, your community and your family.” a