CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 5

17 Issue 5 | 2018 | CDA at W ork This event, attended by health care providers, educators, researchers and policy makers, opened discussions that focused on influencing positive, sustainable change for Indigenous communities. CDA was a co-sponsor of the conference. A panel called “No health without oral health” was dedicated to exploring different approaches for improving oral health. Dr. Robert Schroth, associate professor at the University of Manitoba and recently appointed member of CDA’s Indigenous Children’s Oral Health Working Group, presented an overview of his research on Indigenous children’s oral health. Part of his current research uses a mixed-methods approach to evaluate the Children’s Oral Health Initiative (COHI), a program that CDA would like to see enhanced and improved (see p. 10). COHI increases access to preventive oral health services provided to Indigenous children living on federal reserves and in remote communities. Dr. Schroth’s team anticipates that its upcoming research findings will demonstrate the program’s success, identify ways that COHI can be enhanced and scaled-up, and show the value of having a community member advocate for preventive oral health in the community. Dr. Larry Levin, Chair of CDA's Working Group, said having a panel devoted to oral health at the conference was significant. “The panel discussions about oral health and comments from other speakers throughout the conference shows there is an increasing awareness about the importance of good oral health in Indigenous people’s lives.” a CDA Co-Sponsors Indigenous HealthConference The University of Toronto's 3 rd Biennial Indigenous Health Conference took place in Mississauga, Ontario, fromMay 24–26. Above: Members of the “No health without oral health” panel at the Indigenous Health Conference (L. to r.): Dr. Valerie Gideon, Assistant Deputy Minister, Regional Operations, First Nations and Inuit Health Branch, Health Canada; Dr. Robert Schroth, Associate Professor in the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Manitoba; Dr. James Taylor, Chief Dental Officer of Canada at the Public Health Agency of Canada; Glenda Bernouf, ProgramManager of the Onion Lake School Dental Program in Onion Lake Cree Nation, Saskatchewan.