CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 5

13 Issue 5 | 2018 | CDA at W ork  Award of Merit The Award of Merit recognizes an individual who has served in an outstanding capacity in the governing or service of the Canadian Dental Association over a sustained period of time, or who has made similar outstanding contributions to the dental profession, the dental community or the oral health of Canadians and/or society at large. This year’s recipients were Drs. Douglas Brothwell , Michelle Zwicker and Anil Joshi . Dr. Doug Brothwell ’s career brings together a unique combination of education and clinical experience. He started his career as a dentist in Saskatchewan and then served as associate dean at the University of Manitoba. Dr. Brothwell was recently appointed dean of the college of dentistry at the University of Saskatchewan. Along the way, he earned a Bachelor of Education from USask and a Master’s degree in dental public health from the University of Toronto. Dr. Brothwell is a committed educator and professional who strongly believes in the need for research and community service. One of his areas of interest is the health status and treatment needs of Indigenous peoples. He has served as president of the Association of Public Health Dentistry. For almost 20 years, he was an active volunteer with CDA’s Product Recognition Committee as well as chair of the CDA Seal Committee. It is a great honour to be recognized by one’s peers for participating in efforts that advance our profession. I started volunteering my time as a way to give back to my profession and to society; I continued and expanded those efforts because I enjoy the professional interactions and the feeling of satisfaction that only comes from selfless action. It is deeply rewarding to know that these efforts were noticed and appreciated.” Dr. Michelle Zwicker of Bay Roberts, Newfoundland, is described by her peers as active, committed, professional and caring. Over the course of her career, she developed a particular interest and expertise in insurance matters and the relationship between dentists and insurers. Dentists in the Atlantic provinces have benefited from her guidance on these issues. Dr. Zwicker is currently a member of CDA’s Committee on Dental Benefits and its Working Group on Insurance Company Audits. She is the chair of the Newfoundland & Labrador Dental Association Tariff Committee and the Atlantic Provinces Insurance Liaison Committee. She has also been an outstanding mentor for young dental graduates. She recently served as a member of the CDA Task Force on the Future of the Profession. My father was a dentist who was always actively involved in organized dentistry and worked in dental education throughout his career. I was also raised by a mother who believed that, if you weren’t willing to do something about it, you didn’t have the right to complain. So I grew up believing that it was my duty to become involved. Being involved in organized dentistry has shown me that I get back more than what I put in.” Dr. Anil Joshi of Moncton, New Brunswick, is a pediatric dentist who has given unselfishly to the profession and his community. He is a past president of the New Brunswick Dental Society (NBDS) and played a key role in developing the NBDS submission to government on dental coverage for children of low-income families. Dr. Joshi has served the community at large by volunteering at the charitable community agency Moncton Headstart, working with children affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster, and travelling internationally to provide treatment to families in need. With CDA, Dr. Joshi has been a valued contributor to the Working Group on Access to Care for Children and Seniors. The CDA and NBDS have always been a guiding influence in my profession and have helped me to view dentistry as an enriching profession, not just a business. This perspective allowed me to enjoy my career in ways I hadn’t anticipated.” CDAAward Recipients 2017–18