CDA Essentials 2018 • Volume 5 • Issue 4

22 | 2018 | Issue 4 CDA at W ork throughout their careers. Kim Guest, team lead for the “Road to Mental Readiness Program” described how the program teaches resilience as a skill that can be improved by developing behaviours to mitigate stress, such as diaphragmatic breathing, goal setting, visualization, positive self-talk and mindfulness. The program also emphasizes that well-being can be viewed as a cycle of preparation, performance and recovery. For each stage in the cycle, CAF members learn about practicing new patterns of behaviour to support their well-being. Learning from Physicians Dr. Paul Farnan, an addictions medicine specialist, outlined how PHPs aim to engage the physician experiencing difficulties with their mental health or a substance use disorder, before the regulator needs to get involved. Preserving physician well-being is now recognized as an important goal of health care policy, in addition to the established goals of enhancing the patient experience, improving population health and reducing costs. Dr. Derek Puddester, associate professor in the department of psychiatry at the University of Ottawa, presented an online resource created to help physicians and physicians-in-training at the University of Ottawa faculty of medicine develop resilience in their personal and professional lives. The site links to bilingual modules on topics such as weight, nutrition and fitness; substance use disorders; depression, burnout and suicide; and anxiety. All modules contain resources, personal stories and videos. Next steps Among the wide range of wellness strategies discussed at the conference, some are aimed at the individual dentist while others need to be implemented at the institutional level. CDA is committed to holding discussions among key stakeholders to redefine how Canadian dentists approach the issue of wellness in their practices and within the profession. a Photographs: Teckles Photo Inc. Photos above: 1. KimGuest, team lead, Canadian Armed Forces “Road to Mental Readiness Program” 2. Dr. Paul Farnan, addictions medicine specialist 3. Ed Dermit, president, CDSPI 4. Dr. Derek Puddester, associate professor, department of psychiatry, University of Ottawa ➊ ➌ ➍ ➋