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Failed root canal treatment on 16. What's your diagnosis?
This case was submitted by Dr. Mary Dabuleanu from Dabuleanu Dental. In Part 1, we invite you to watch the short video of the case and provide comments about a possible diagnosis and treatment. Watch the video
Powered/electric toothbrushes vs. manual toothbrushes: which is better for maintaining oral health? A systematic review
This summary is based on the Cochrane Systematic Review: Powered/electric toothbrushes compared to manual toothbrushes for maintaining oral health (June 2014). Read the post
How do Canadian dental students perceive setting up a practice in rural areas?
Dr. John O'Keefe spoke with Dr. Nastaran Sharifian, currently studying for a master's degree at the University of Montreal. Dr. Sharifian conducted research on the topic of access to dental care in rural areas of Canada. Read the post and watch the video
How do dentists make decisions when restoring extensive defects in posterior molar teeth?
This summary is based on the article published in Operative Dentistry: Clinical Decision Making on Extensive Molar Restorations (November/December 2014) Read the post
Tooth-coloured restorations – choice of materials, procedures and longevity
Scientists from the Nordic Institute of Dental Materials (NIOM) were invited to the national dental conventions in Sweden and Norway this autumn. Head of laboratory Hilde M. Kopperud, researcher Simen E. Kopperud and guest-researcher Frode Staxrud from NIOM interacted in the two-hour lecture which presented data from both clinical and laboratory studies, and was entitled: Tooth-coloured restorations – choice of materials, procedures and longevity. Read the post
Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum
Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum pairs powerful performance with impressive results. It removes significantly more plaque than Oral-B Professional Care 5000 in all areas of the mouth.* Our InterCare brush has extra-long bristles to remove up to 7x more plaque between teeth than a manual brush.**
FlexCare Platinum features an intuitive pressure sensor that gently vibrates the handle to help guide proper brushing technique. With nine total brushing experiences, the user can select from three cleaning modes and three intensity settings for a combination that suits them.
FlexCare Platinum. More innovation. Less plaque between teeth.
What's New
What do you REALLY want to know about practice transitions?
Given that practice transition is a very important topic for dentists at different stages of their career, we want to make sure that we find the best answers to the real questions on the minds of both prospective sellers and buyers of dental practices. Read the post and the video
Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario – Proposed guidelines on opioids and pain management
At its November 13, 2014 meeting, the RCDSO Council approved, in principle, proposed Guidelines on the Role of Opioids in the Management of Acute and Chronic Pain in Dental Practice. Because of the significance of this subject to dentists, Council decided that it was important to circulate the proposed Guidelines to all members and other stakeholders for review and input, even though this circulation is not required by the College's by-laws. Read the proposed guidelines
CDA Knowledge Networks News (KNN)!
Make sure you keep up to date about important new developments in the world of dentistry. Read the latest News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks.

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1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6
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