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Oasis Discussions
Oasis Help
Is there a professional manner to address the issue of HPV with patients in the dental office?
Drs. Nita Mazurat and Suham Alexander provided a quick initial response to a question submitted by a general dentist.
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Lift the Lip: Uncovering the dangers of early childhood caries
Chiraz Guessaier, CDA Oasis Manager, interviewed Dr. Olva Odlum about the issue of extreme early childhood caries and their link to systemic health.
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Which technique(s) should we use to fill a Class II proximal box? Is there a difference in the long term margin integrity?
Drs. John Burgess and Suham Alexander provided a quick initial response to a question submitted by a general dentist.
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Updated Ebola toolkit for dentists by the Organization for Safety Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP)
The Organization for Safety Asepsis and Prevention (OSAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have updated their Ebola Toolkit for health professionals.
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A new digital resource: Dental Radiography, A quick reference guide for intraoral images, by Dr Anthea Senior
Dr. Anthea Senior authored a new digital resource on dental radiography. We interviewed Dr. Senior about her motivation to write the book and the value such a resource brings to dental students and professionals.
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Can a patient react against composite resin fillings when diagnosed with a contact allergy to epoxy?
This post is based on a Q&A published on the Nordic Institute of Dental Materials website.
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New Feature: Oasis Podcasts
We are pleased to announce a new Oasis Discussions feature: Oasis Podcasts. You will now be able to listen to our audio interviews, case conferences, and other audio files whenever and wherever you want. Read more…
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Oasis Discussions contributor NIOM establishes a new research group
The Nordic Institute of Dental Materials, an Oasis Discussions contributor organization, established a new research group. The group consists of four scientists, Simen E. Kopperud, Håkon Valen, Rune Becher and Jon E. Dahl, with a broad and diverse scientific background.
The focus of the group is clinical , practice-based research, spanning from how dentist are using the dental curing lamps, to investigating how new dental restorative materials can be made to prevent biofilm formation. Read more…
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Unexpected Soft Tissue Changes in Response to Root Coverage Using an Acellular Dermal Matrix Allograft: 12-year Follow Up
Patient-specific factors, and those related to materials and techniques, affect the outcome of treatment with acellular dermal matrix allograft. Although unpredictable, the long-term changes in soft tissue described in this article were stable and improved over time.
Get involved with Oasis Help! We invite individuals and groups of general dentists, dental specialists, physicians and pharmacists to join our project as authors, reviewers, and content and translation advisors. Email us at
Visit our Oasis Discussions website to submit the most critical questions relating to your everyday practice. Or, call our toll-free line at 1-855-71-OASIS and leave us a message with your questions. We welcome a broad range of questions about diagnosis and treatment, techniques, materials, instruments, and devices or therapeutic agents. We encourage you to send us your questions as they arise.
Our goal is to have JCDA Expert panellists answer your questions as quickly as possible and share them through our various channels of knowledge translation.
You can help: Please send us the most common restorative emergency scenarios to which you need answers at
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Oasis Bulletin is presented to you by the Canadian Dental Association
1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is not intended to substitute for appropriate clinical training. Read more…
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