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Oasis Discussions
Oasis Help
What should you consider when selling your practice? A practice sale checklist
Dr. Bernie Dolansky presents a checklist of items that need to be considered in a dental practice sale.
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How often and over what time period will any excess root canal cement/sealer dissolve?
Drs. Mary Dabuleanu and Suham Alexander provided a quick initial response to a question submitted by a general dentist.
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Are there any detrimental effects of tooth-whitening agents on enamel?
Drs. Laura Tam and Suham Alexander provided a quick initial response to a question submitted by a general dentist.
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Video Presentation: A dentist's experience with Bell's Palsy
Dr. John O'Keefe spoke with Dr. Siavash Hassanpour about his experience with Bell's Palsy. They present the perspective of a dentist who walked in the shoes of an informed patient.
Watch the video presentation
Light Curing – Guidelines for Practitioners – A Consensus Statement from the 2014 Symposium on Light Curing in Dentistry
The symposium was attended by over 40 key opinion leaders from academia and industry who worked together to develop the following advice to practitioners about light curing.
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Download the Consensus Statement (PDF)
Dr. Gary MacDonald speaks about the 2014 FDI Annual World Dental Congress
We present to you an interview with Dr. Gary MacDonald, CDA President and Head of the Canadian delegation to the 2014 FDI Annual World Dental Congress in New Delhi.
Listen to the audio interview
CDA Knowledge Networks News (KNN)!
Make sure you keep up to date about important new developments in the world of dentistry. Read the latest News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks.
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Improving the Oral Health of Young Children of Newcomer Families: A Forum for Community Members, Researchers, and Policy-Makers
A symposium was hosted by the school of dentistry at the University of Alberta on October 10 and 11, 2013, in Edmonton. Its aim was to bring together interdisciplinary participants and stakeholders with overlapping interests in improving the overall health of newcomer families to Canada.
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Oasis Bulletin is presented to you by the Canadian Dental Association
1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6
Disclaimer: The information contained in this publication is not intended to substitute for appropriate clinical training. Read more…
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