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Dr. Jack Cottrell speaks about FDI mid-year meetings in Mexico
Dr. John O'Keefe spoke with Dr. Jack Cottrell, member of FDI Council, about FDI activities during the Federation's mid-year meetings which were recently held in Mexico City.
Listen to the audio interview
New mailing address when sending health and dental claim forms to Manulife by courier
Manulife's mail processing centre has moved. Use the new address, when you send claim forms to Manulife by courier (Download the PDF file).
CDA Knowledge Networks News (KNN)!
Make sure you keep up to date about important new developments in the world of dentistry. Read the latest News Bites from CDA Knowledge Networks.
Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum
Philips Sonicare FlexCare Platinum pairs powerful performance with impressive results. It removes significantly more plaque than Oral-B Professional Care 5000 in all areas of the mouth.* Our InterCare brush has extra-long bristles to remove up to 7x more plaque between teeth than a manual brush.**
FlexCare Platinum features an intuitive pressure sensor that gently vibrates the handle to help guide proper brushing technique. With nine total brushing experiences, the user can select from three cleaning modes and three intensity settings for a combination that suits them.
FlexCare Platinum. More innovation. Less plaque between teeth.
How do all-ceramic crowns fracture?
This summary is based on the research done by the Nordic Institute of Dental Materials (NIOM) and published in the European Journal of Oral Sciences: Simulation of clinical fractures for three different all-ceramic crowns (April 2014)
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Could one injection lidocaine 2% with epinephrine provide palatal anesthesia in the removal of maxillary third molars?
This summary is based on the scientific report published in Anesthesia Progress: Buccal Injection of 2% Lidocaine With Epinephrine for the Removal of Maxillary Third Molars (Fall 2013)
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What are the antibacterial effects of native and methacrylate modified chitosan?
This summary is based on the research done by the Nordic Institute of Dental Materials (NIOM) and published in the European Cells and Materials: Antibacterial effects of native and methacrylate modified chitosan (2013)
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Are there risks with intravenous sedation for patients with disabilities?
This summary is based on the article published in Anesthesia Progress: Risk Factors With Intravenous Sedation for Patients With Disabilities (Winter 2013)
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What are the adverse effects between lingual and labial orthodontic treatment? A systematic review
This summary is based on the article published in Angle Orthodontist: Comparison of adverse effects between lingual and labial orthodontic treatment. A systematic review (November 2013)
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Antibiotics Resistance Questions & Answers
This information is based on CDC website and is part of the OSAP Antibiotics Resistance Tool Kit.
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How are bisphosphonates used in children? Review of the literature and guidelines for dental management
This summary is based on the article published in the Australian Dental Journal: The use of bisphosphonates in children: review of the literature and guidelines for dental management (March 2014)
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Anaphylaxis: an update for dental practitioners
This summary is based on the article published in the Australian Dental Journal: Anaphylaxis: an update for dental practitioners (June 2014)
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Is implant therapy indicated for diabetic patients? A systematic review
This summary is based on the article published in Clinical Oral Implants Research: A critical review of diabetes, glycemic control, and dental implant therapy (February 2013)
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1815 Alta Vista Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1G 3Y6
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